About me

Hi, Im Marcin Lis

I was always a bit shy and anxious. I struggled a lot with my confidence and self-belief which led me into a very negative and dark place in my life. When I was in college, I met one of the boxers from the college team and that’s when I got introduced to the sport. Immediately I became obsessed. I loved everything about it. I loved the physical and the mental battle that you had to go through when sparring, fighting or simply just training.

As the years went by, I gathered some experience competing at a national level and started helping my coach with the college boxing team and the
coaches down at my local boxing club. That’s when I finally realised what my calling really is in life… Where I really belong. Looking back at myself when I started boxing and seeing how anxious I was coming into boxing and now being in the position of a coach looking at other people like me making their first steps towards a change has made me realise that this is where I want to be.

At that time, I knew that what I really want to do is help people make those first steps that I made and help them change their lives for the better by being the best coach that I can be. Whether it is through boxing or lifting weights, I just wanted to be the person that can help other people make that change.


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